January 2024: book presentation ‘Waarom we niet gelukkiger zijn’ for Abdijschool van Zevenkerken (last year high school students and teachers) in Bruges.
January 2024: book launch and presentation ‘Waarom we niet gelukkiger zijn: Van zelfzuchtige genen naar de kunst van een vrijer leven’ in Vlerick Business school, Ghent, Belgium.
September 2023: Presentation on critical thinking for Mitiska-Reim team event in Cadzand, The Netherlands.
June 2023: Presentation of book ‘De tweede vervreemding’ for the management team of MIVB-STIB in Brussels.
February 2023: Invited as expert on a workshop ‘Evolutie: blind of bron van luciditeit’ – Human2 series in Antwerp, moderator Bart Libbrecht.
Feb – May 2022: ‘Filosofie voor jongeren’ – Course on how to live a meaningful and happy life (5 sessions) for youngster (age 11-12)
Oct – Dec 2021: ‘Filosofie voor jongeren’ – Critical thinking course (5 sessions) for youngster (age 11-12)
March 2020: Keynote and book presentation ‘De tweede vervreemding’ – at Face Time Kortrijk (650 attendees). Other keynotes: Jan Peter Balkenende (former prime minister of the Netherlands) and Maarten Boudry (Ugent).
February 2020: Book presentation ‘De tweede vervreemding’ and interview by Professor Johan Braeckman (UGent) – ‘De corridor’ in Wetteren, Belgium.
February 2020: Book presentation ‘De tweede vervreemding’ and panel discussion with philosopher Luc de Brabandere (moderator Mia Doornaert, journalist and columnist) – Schrijverssalon / salon des écrivains, VAKB/ANRB in Brussels, Belgium.
February 2020: Book presentation ‘Cooperation in the global era’ – geopolitical lectures series organized by the Vlerick Business School Alumni in Brussels, Belgium.
January 2019: Book presentation ‘De tweede vervreemding’ – Orde Van den Prince - afdeling Roeselare, Izegem – in Tielt, Belgium.
December 2019: Book presentation ‘De tweede vervreemding’ – UPV wetenschapspopularisering (popularization of science initiative of the VUB) in Brussels, Belgium.
November 2019: Book presentation ‘Cooperation in the global era’ – ‘Better’ conference organized by Princip.al – Brussels, Belgium.
November 2019: Panel discussion on ‘Globalization and International cooperation’ with Peter Van Kemseke (moderator: Henk D’heedene – journalist at De Tijd) at Boekenbeurs 2019 (annual Belgian book fair) in Antwerp, Belgium.
October 2019: Book presentation ‘De tweede vervreemding’ – the ‘Impact House’ in Brussels, Belgium.
June 2019: Book presentation ‘De tweede vervreemding’ – Lions Gent Scaldis in Ghent, Belgium.
May 2019: Book presentation ‘De tweede vervreemding’ – Orde Van den Prince - afdeling Waregem, in Deerlijk, Belgium.
March 2019: Invited to present ‘The era of global cooperation’ for Tomorrow’s legacy (Ernst & Young). European parliament, Brussels.
April 2018: ‘Evolutie en moraliteit’ (Evolution and morality). Vrijmetselaarsloge “Trigonum” (freemason lodge), Antwerpen, Belgium (in Dutch).
May 2017: "De tweede vervreemding". Business and Professional Women (BPW), Gent, Belgium (In Dutch)
April 2017: ‘Het belang van innovatie’. Orde van den Prince, Kortrijk, Belgium (In Dutch)
February 2017: "De tweede vervreemding". Probus Roeselare, Belgium (In Dutch)
February – June 2017: ‘Filosofische avonden’ – 3 series of 5 seminars on important societal issues. Ghent, Belgium (In Dutch)
December 2016: ‘La naissance de la philosophie et ses conséquences’ – Probus Gand, Belgium (In French)
August 2016: Presentation and panel debate ‘Orbit space’ on virtual reality organised by Gluon. Wetteren, Belgium.
Presentations - a selection
Happiness / well-being
Globalization / The importance of global cooperation
(The importance of) Critical thinking
Other topics:
Innovation / Cultural evolution / What makes humans special?
The evolutionary origin of morality / moral progress
In Dutch, English or French