Academic publications

Articles in international peer reviewed journals
Vlerick, M. (2021). Explaining human altruism. Synthese, 199, 2395–2413 A1.1
Paper was extensively discussed on ‘Big Think’ website:
Vlerick, M. (2020). The evolution of social contracts. Journal of Social Ontology, 5 (2), 181-203. A1.1
Vlerick, M. (2020). Towards global cooperation: The case for a Deliberative Global Citizens’ Assembly. Global policy, 11 (3), 305-314. A1.1
Boudry, M., Vlerick, M., Edis, T. (2020). The end of science? On human cognitive limitations and how to overcome them. Biology and Philosophy, 35 (18), 1-16. A1.1
Vlerick, M. (2020). The cultural evolution of institutional religions. Religion, Brain & Behavior, 10 (1), 18-34. A1.1
Vlerick, M. (In press). A cognitive perspective on scientific realism. Philosophical Psychology A1.1
Vlerick, M., Boudry, M. (2017) ‘Psychological closure does not entail cognitive closure. A response to McGinn.’ Dialectica. 71 (1) A1.1
Vlerick, M. (2017) ‘How our biology constrains our science’. Kairos. Journal of Philosophy and Science, 18, 31-53 A1.2
Vlerick, M. (2016) ‘Explaining universal social institutions: A game-theoretic approach.’ Topoi, 35(1), 291-300 A1.1
Vlerick, M., Broadbent, A. (2015) ‘Evolution and Epistemic Justification’. Dialectica, 69, (2), 185-203 A1.1
Boudry, M., Vlerick, M., McKay, R. (2015) ‘Can evolution get us off the hook? Evaluating the ecological defence of human rationality’. Consciousness and Cognition, 33, 524 - 535 A1.1
Vlerick, M. (2014) ‘Biological constraints do not entail cognitive closure’. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science – part C : Biological and Biomedical sciences, 48, 21-27 A1.2
Boudry, M., Vlerick, M. (2014) ‘Natural selection does care about truth’. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 28, (1), 65–77 A1.2
Vlerick, M. (2014) ‘Biologizing Putnam: saving the realism in internal realism’. South African Journal of Philosophy, 33 (3): 271–283 A1.2
Vlerick, M. (2012). ‘How can human beings transgress their biologically based views?’ South African Journal of Philosophy, 31 (4), 717-735 A1.2
Articles in Dutch – peer reviewed journals
Vlerick, M. (2021). Darwinisme en wereldwijde samenwerking. Wijsgerig Perspectief, 61 (3): 32–41
Book chapters
Boudry, M., Vlerick, M., Edis, T. (2022). Demystifying Mysteries: How Metaphors and Analogies Extend the Reach of the Human Mind. In Wuppuluri, S., Grayling, A.C. (eds). Metaphors and Analogies in Sciences and Humanities: Words and Worlds. Synthese Library, Springer, pp. 65-83.
Vlerick, M. (2021). Calibrating the balance: The ethics of regulating the production and use of nanotechnology applications. In Jeswani, G., Van de Voorde, M. (eds). Handbook of Nanoethics. De Gruyter, pp. 331-341.
Van de Voorde, M., Vlerick, M. (2021). Nanotechnology: Societal impact and ethical considerations. In Van de Voorde, M., Jeswani, G. (eds). Ethics in Nanotechnology. Emerging Technologies Aspect. De Gruyter, pp. 43-62.
Van de Voorde, M., Vlerick, M. (2021). Nanotechnology: Ethical guidelines for a disruptive technology. In Jeswani, G., Van de Voorde, M. (eds). Handbook of Nanoethics. De Gruyter, pp. 43-56.
Vlerick, M. (2017) ‘Better than our nature? Evolution and moral realism, justification, and progress’. In Ruse, M. & Richards, R. (eds). Handbook of evolutionary ethics, Cambridge University Press, pp. 226-239.
Boudry, M., Vlerick, M., McKay, R. (2016) ‘Don’t blame the norms: On the challenge of ecological rationality’. In Paglieri, F., Bonelli, L., Felletti, S. (eds). ‘The psychology of argument: Cognitive approaches to argumentation and persuasion’, London, College Publications, pp. pp. 85-97.
Blancke, S., Vlerick, M., Boudry, M. ‘Ticket to ride. The role of fear and disgust in cultural evolution’. Conditionally accepted by editors: A. De Block, H. De Cruz and P. Adriaens, Cultural evolution, philosophy, and the emotions.
Book review
Vlerick, M. (2018). Review of Stanovich, K., West, R. and Toplak, M. ‘The rationality quotient: Toward a test of rational thinking’, Cambridge (MA), The MIT Press in The Quarterly Review of Biology, 93, 43-44.